I’m alone in the kitchen, the morning still in half-light. I sit at the table cradling my coffee mug for warmth and hear the wind rattle the windows- there’s a cold front coming in. Cold days or rainy days turn out to be my favorite here where the sun shines so diligently day in and day out. The refrigerator hums, the faucet drips, and Chiron (our cat) is beginning his morning serenade for food. It's good to have the reassurance of morning routine. After feeding the cat I look up to see the food blessing hanging above the kitchen table and remember there will be a new pair of hands to hold before every meal. My youngest daughter, Melissa, is coming for a visit from

More Sunday Scribblings here
how wonderful that you can again spend time with your sister doing 'stuff'. and the image inspired post (below this one) reminds me of my sister - she has that very same picture, a big one, framed and mounted on her kitchen wall!
What a beautiful and picturesque memory you've laid out there! :)
Sorry Kimberly but I think you got my cold front :)
I love the images you have painted with your words. You must be so proud!!!! ENJOY your time together :)
How exciting that she will soon be home to make cheesecake. I hope you stay up late at that table, savoring cheesecake and long conversation. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm looking forward to exploring yours more!
Kimberly I feel honored to have read this wonderful story about a mothers pride and joy! I know exactly how you feel. I too am a very proud mother! I have such a passion for children, it’s really fantastic when teachers like your daughter come along. She does sound so special….probably because you raised her with so much love and lots of table talk. Imperative for great relationships! Your daughter is so beautiful from the inside out!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing this story! Happy cheese cake making!!
Peace Sherrie
What a wonderful post! You've painted such a vivid picture of yourself in the kitchen, thinking about your daughter and her upcoming visit. I felt as if I were sitting there chatting with you and sharing a cup of coffee :)
You have every right to be proud of her and the work she's doing. And I thank her, and all the other teachers like her, for taking the time to prepare the next generation for the world they will inherit.
Enjoy your visit - and the cheesecake!
You are a beautiful writer.
Know that others truly enjoy reading your words. I hope you kick those writer's blues and as Anne Lamott writes, "Bird by bird..."
I feel so privileged to be allowed to read this story! thank you for sharing - a flowing story about a wonderful topic.
How quickly our children grow up and how well we preserve them in our memories.
Loved the post.
Thanks for including Carlos in your prayers.
You have every right to be so proud! I love the story your kitchen told me about the important, fundamental, beautiful relationship between daughter and mother.
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